Cabo Yoga Bajamoonyoga

Break The Strongholds In Your Life That Hold You Back From Your Full Potential

Find Renewal And Transformation With These Ancient Ritual Ceremonies

Baja Moon Yoga Cacao Ceremony

The health benefits of cacao have been recognized and celebrated for thousands of years. Today, we most often take cacao as a sweet treat in candies, cakes, and cookies. However, in the cacao ceremony we return to the truest and purest form of cacao. This ceremony helps open, energize, and purify the heart center. The cacao ceremony is ideal for those looking for more love, forgiveness, and compassion – for self or others.

What Is A Cacao Ceremony?

Cacao ceremonies are most often associated with the Maya and Ancient Aztec civilizations. Origins of the ceremonies can be traced back to 1900 B.C. when ceremonies were conducted by shamans to prepare for journeys.

Chocolate was so central to these civilizations, it was used in every facet of their lifestyle and was even used as currency.

Cacao ceremonies help participants:

Have you ever been out for drinks with friends? Perhaps you’ve attended a wine tasting or casual hangout with beers? These kinds of outings are enjoyable because you and your friends are stepping off on the same journey together by drinking beverages with the same effect on the body.

During your time together in the cacao ceremony, the same thing happens. When a group drinks cacao together, they shift their energy to the same frequency or vibration. Cacao increases the energetic field of our hearts. When many people join together to share cacao they have a shared experience:

Cacao ceremonies move participants to self-reflection and spiritual awakening. Cacao acts as the catalyst for participants to consider who they are, analyze their hopes, wishes, and dreams, and let go of the past in order to grow from it and build a better future.

What To Expect At A Cacao Ceremony

Like yoga, the cacao ceremony is a practice in awareness. All events are catered to you and your intentions but will typically include many of the following elements.


Greetings and settling into a comfortable position


Cacao blessing


Cacao lesson and description of how the drink was prepared


Immersive enjoyment of the cacao (it is NOT a sweet drink)


Guided journey selected from my class offerings (Link “class offerings” )


Closing and thanksgiving for the experience

To discuss hosting a cacao ceremony for your group, please complete the contact form.

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